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1 Jun, 2021

Public consultation on digital economy and society

Public consultation

The consultation activities aim at collecting the views of all interested stakeholders that have opinions and views on the formulation of such a set of European digital principles, as well as an interest in shaping the debate on this. The different stakeholder groups are expected to have opinions and views on the formulation of European digital principles, as well as an interest in shaping the debate on this.

The European Commission published, on 9 March 2021, a Communication on the 2030 Digital Compass. It outlines a vision, targets and tools to reach a human centred, sustainable and more prosperous digital future for Europe by 2030.

Next to several other action points, the Communication proposes under the chapter on ‘Digital Citizenship’ (section 4) to formulate a set of digital principles that should shape Europe’s digital society in the European way in the form of a joint interinstitutional solemn declaration of the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council, based on a proposal from the European Commission.

The results of the consultation activities will serve as input to a proposal from the Commission on an inter-institutional solemn declaration from the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council for a Declaration of Digital Principles.

You can contribute to this consultation by filling in the online questionnaire. If you are unable to use the online questionnaire, please contact us using the email address:

Questionnaires are available in some or all official EU languages. You can submit your responses in any official EU language.

More information here

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