What is the Lab?
COFACE believes it is important to connect professionals and families in real time through transnational exchanges in order to tackle challenges faced by families and children. We believe the European Family Lab is the place to connect them. This can serve as an innovation incubator for ideas and cross-country knowledge transfer to help family professionals deliver the best possible supports for families and children. We have built the Lab room by room, with a wide range of activities focusing on NGO and policy innovation, creation of education material and conducting research.

A Breakfast Byte webinar series for people to meet and connect with family professionals
A COFACE TV channel collecting videos on policy and practice
A European Observatory on Family Policy, as a platform for the observation, analysis and dissemination of evidence on family policy.
L.I.N.K. An Education and Training Programme for upskilling of professionals and families.
Breakfast bytes webinar series
We launched a webinar series in 2021 to spread knowledge about NGO-driven family supports. But also to put the spotlight on the wide range of family supports in the COFACE network, and grow our international community of practice. Specifically, family supports are an essential part of making social rights a reality.
Namely, the target group of the webinars is especially professionals working with families and children but is open to all (researchers, policy-makers, teachers, health workers, families, and more). Meet and connect with family professionals every month in 2022, for a 90-minute online webinar (from 9.30-11.00 Brussels time) to learn about family support and put your questions to our experts.
Check out the full series in our Events section!
COFACE online exchange on blended families of today
COFACE online exchange on blended families of today
This exchange will be organised for COFACE members to take stock of challenges for blended families. Blended families, also known as stepfamilies or recomposed families, are increasingly common across Europe due to rising rates of divorce, remarriage, and cohabitation.
This is our YouTube channel collecting videos on policy and practice to support families and children in different areas of life. It contains different playlists on family supports, digital citizenship, consumer education, cyberbullying and more.
It also includes recordings of the breakfast byte webinar presentations.
Click here to view the videos.

L.I.N.K: An education and training programme for lifelong learning on social rights
The European Family Lab L.I.N.K. programme is your virtual gateway to deepen your knowledge to better support families and children in your community.
L.I.N.K. (Learning and Innovating through New Knowledge) focuses on key social challenges of our times. The educational tools and courses of L.I.N.K. are based on values of human rights, non-discrimination, gender equality, social inclusion, diversity, empowerment, and intergenerational solidarity, with the ambition to offer demand-driven and needs-based training programmes on family-related issues for upskilling of professionals and families.
The European Observatory on Family Policy is a joint research programme of COFACE Families Europe and the Centre for Family Studies of ODISEE University of Applied Sciences launched in 2022. The Observatory aims to serve as a platform for the observation, analysis, and dissemination of evidence on family policy and other social concerns directly relevant to family well-being across the European Union.
The Observatory is implemented as a partnership between COFACE Families Europe and Odisee’s Centre for Family Studies. COFACE Families Europe offers the programme its extensive knowledge on EU policies and the realities of families across Europe, while the Centre for Family Studies provides its expertise on practice-based research from the perspective of families and its research networks in Belgium and internationally. The partnership is conceived to bring together the respective strengths and expertise on family policy and family life to better meet its monitoring and analytical goals.