COFACE’s member CEAFA has recently published its manual for the training and support of carers of people with dementia that was developed within the framework of the Spanish Strategy for Neurodegenerative Diseases of the NHS and reviewed by CEAFA.
The content is an adaptation of the World Health Organisation’s iSupport tool, translated into Spanish, adapted to the context and specificities of Spain, and reviewed by CEAFA.
This project responds to general objective No. 6 “Support for carers”, framed in Strategic Line 3 “Care for Carers” of the Strategy, with the aim of effectively supporting the work of the people who exercise the role of main carer, favouring their training, facilitating their health management and preventing and tackling their physical, psychological and emotional wear and tear and the risk of social isolation. It aims to help the caregiver to face the daily challenge of caring for a person with dementia, as well as to care for him/herself, by providing information, and offering a range of skills that can be useful for dealing with the different phases that people with dementia go through.
The lessons included in this manual have been carefully and are structured as follows:
o Module 1. Introduction to dementia.
o Module 2. How to be a caregiver.
o Module 3. Caring for me.
o Module 4. Caring on a day-to-day basis.
o Module 5. Dealing with behavioural changes.
It is aimed at patient associations and other organisations that provide training, health and social workers, and health administration officials who coordinate support activities for carers.
More info here (Spanish).
Photo: @LightFieldStudio via