The Programmatic Updates on Phase III of the Preparatory Action to the Child Guarantee[1] by UNICEF, provide a snapshot and progress from March 2021 to November 2022 of the ongoing work in each of the 7 pilot countries, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, and Spain to test the European Child Guarantee.
In 4 countries (Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, and Italy), in close cooperation with the national and local governments, 18 evidenced based and sustainable models of services and interventions for children from disadvantaged backgrounds are being implemented and tested for replicability.
The Main Results of Phase III of the European Child Guarantee are the following:
- Supporting governments in developing European Child Guarantee National Action Plans to address child poverty and social exclusion of children based on a comprehensive policy and programme deep dive analysis.
- Pilot and assess innovative and evidenced-based models of services and interventions focused on some of the most disadvantaged children as well as concrete strategies to reach the most vulnerable children.
- Inform the implementation of the EU-wide Child Guarantee through recommendations and lessons learnt from all the different activities in the pilot experience of Phase III.
Read more about key results for the first year of implementation of Phase III of the European Child Guarantee here.
[1] An initiative of the European Commission that aims to ensure that the most vulnerable children in the European Union have access to healthcare, education, childcare, decent housing and adequate nutrition.
Photo: ©Zurijeta via