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7 May, 2024


COFACE Families Europe together with its members is very active in addressing the social challenges faced by families of today and advocating for policies to support their well-being.

Civil society and rights-holders must be supported through sustained funding and life-long learning opportunities to engage meaningfully in the national and European policy-making processes in order to co-create systems and policies needed to support families of today.  They are best placed to provide inputs and feedback on the policies which concern them.

COFACE has the ambition to shape together a strong social Europe fit for families and foster a European society that is more inclusive, offers equal opportunities and brings everyone forward.

In preparation of the next European elections on 6-9th June 2024, here are ten specific actions we would like to see integrated in the programme of the European Union.

These need to be developed within an economic framework which works better for society and planet towards an economy which cares.

It is time to act now for families of today.


Read our full Call-to-Action in EN and FR.

Easy-to-Read version also available here in English

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