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Media Releases

For media inquiries, please contact Bettina Guigui, Communication Officer

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Media ReleasesNews
State Of The European Union for Families: COFACE’s assessment of the EU’s work over the last 5 Years

State Of The European Union for Families: COFACE’s assessment of the EU’s work over the last 5 Years

On this 2024 International Day of Families and ahead of the European elections in June, COFACE is pleased to publish its assessment of the European Union’s work from 2019 to 2024 as well as its key demands to the EU for the 2024-2029 mandate. Both will be presented to friends of COFACE in Brussels during a Meet&Connect event in the presence of the Belgian Presidency of the EU, the occasion also to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the International Year of Families.

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Media ReleasesNews
Motherhood employment gap: shedding light on the vicious cycle

Motherhood employment gap: shedding light on the vicious cycle

On the occasion of International Women’s Day 2024, COFACE Families Europe is calling on EU policymakers and employers to take concrete and effective measures to close the gender employment gap in the EU. Women’s participation in employment is significantly affected by motherhood, with negative consequences for their health, for families and the economy.

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Media ReleasesNews
Time for the European Union to adopt strong rules to protect children from online sexual abuse

Time for the European Union to adopt strong rules to protect children from online sexual abuse

On this Safer Internet Day 2024, COFACE urges EU stakeholders to extend the temporary ePrivacy Derogation by at least two years, but with the main focus on adopting a long-term framework on preventing and combatting online child sexual abuse. Policy makers and technology companies must play their part to keep children safe online and not leave the burden on children and their families.

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#BeTheSHIFTMedia ReleasesNews
Too old to care? Looking at disability and ageing from the perspective of family carers

Too old to care? Looking at disability and ageing from the perspective of family carers

Persons with disabilities have the right to live independently, included in the community and to family life. To mark the 2023 UN International Day of Persons with Disabilities, the COFACE Disability Platform places the spotlight on family carers. Their crucial role can significantly boost the fulfillment of the rights outlined in the UN Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, provided they receive adequate support. A COFACE Disability “Thematic Note” was developed to contribute to policy discussions and help find constructive solutions.

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Media ReleasesNews
No Family Left in the Cold: Europe must build more inclusive energy systems

No Family Left in the Cold: Europe must build more inclusive energy systems

As international stakeholders gather in Warsaw today for the International Annual Conference on Energy Poverty to address the multifaceted challenges of energy poverty, it is crucial for the EU and its governments to act swiftly for a families-sensitive approach to energy policy and planning. This includes integrated policy solutions that combine energy and social policies which are vital in preparation for the winter ahead. COFACE has developed a policy brief.

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Media ReleasesNews
A photo of 5 children sitting at a table and playing claydough at school
Will the European Child Guarantee positively impact the lives of  children with disabilities and their families?  

Will the European Child Guarantee positively impact the lives of  children with disabilities and their families?  

On the 14th of June 2021, EU Member States unanimously adopted the Council Recommendation establishing a European Child Guarantee. Two years after this historical adoption and the promise of all EU Member States to act to lift children and their families out of poverty, COFACE Families Europe has published an assessment of the National Action Plans implementing the Child Guarantee.

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Media ReleasesNews
Early Childhood Education and Care in times of trouble: Time for European minimum quality standards 

Early Childhood Education and Care in times of trouble: Time for European minimum quality standards 

Media release, 15th May 2023  International Day of Families    As governments across the EU are called upon to increase the overall uptake of Early Childhood Education and Care, COFACE members are reporting increasing trade-offs between quality and quantity,...

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Media ReleasesNews
Single Motherhood as a vulnerability factor: can you afford your relationship status?

Single Motherhood as a vulnerability factor: can you afford your relationship status?

While single motherhood does not automatically mean vulnerability, statistics, and testimonies show that this status puts women at increased risk of poverty and social exclusion.  On this International women’s rights day, COFACE Families Europe is calling on the EU and Member States to act now for the economic and social rights of single mothers.

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