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About Opinions

Take a look at our Opinion series, with individual voices from inside and outside COFACE, providing different perspectives and insights on topics relevant for families of today.

A toddler playing with sand.
OPINION – The Future I wish for: reflections from a young mother in Italy

OPINION – The Future I wish for: reflections from a young mother in Italy

Daniela, a young mother, shares her testimony of challenging societal perceptions and finding empowerment through the “We care... but who cares for us?” Erasmus+ project. The initiative supports young parents under 30, helping them engage in democratic life while balancing family responsibilities. Through self-reflection, training, and advocacy, participants gain a stronger voice in shaping youth and family policies.

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OPINION – Muting machismo in video games: a necessary step towards equality

OPINION – Muting machismo in video games: a necessary step towards equality

In a world where technology is an inexorable part of our lives, accessing and making use of it on equal terms has become a vital necessity and a right that makes the difference between full participation and discrimination, between socialisation and isolation, between inclusion and social exclusion.

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Blue map of the European Union with the EU flag yellow stars
OPINION – Harmonising Personal Insolvency Laws: Supporting Over-Indebted Families Across the EU

OPINION – Harmonising Personal Insolvency Laws: Supporting Over-Indebted Families Across the EU

Harmonising Personal Insolvency Laws: Supporting Over-Indebted Families Across the EU COFACE-Families Europe has been working on tackling over-indebtedness considering its impact on families’ well-being. Besides prevention, personal insolvency laws have a profound...

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OPINION – Digital Media Parenting: How to empower parents online? The European SafeOnline Initiative Model

OPINION – Digital Media Parenting: How to empower parents online? The European SafeOnline Initiative Model

Digital parenting is first and foremost parenting. It involves guiding children to use technology safely and wisely, understanding their online activities, setting boundaries together with children and teaching them to be responsible in a positive and beneficial way.

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OPINION – Empowering Parenthood: How the Work-Life Balance Directive reshapes parental Leave in Poland

OPINION – Empowering Parenthood: How the Work-Life Balance Directive reshapes parental Leave in Poland

On 23rd of March 2023, the President of Poland signed the bill implementing the work-life balance directive in Poland and the new regulation came into force on 26th of April 2023. This marks, two years of advocacy work led by Share the Care foundation coming to an end.

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OPINION – Children with imprisoned parents: ‘forgotten victims’ of the criminal justice system

OPINION – Children with imprisoned parents: ‘forgotten victims’ of the criminal justice system

Have you ever been inside a prison? For many children in Europe the inside of a prison is a reality when they go visit their imprisoned parent, some children even live together with their parent inside the prison. Children with imprisoned parents are often ‘invisible’ or ‘forgotten victims’ of the criminal justice system.

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OPINION: Who cares? Achieving effective measures to support informal family carers

OPINION: Who cares? Achieving effective measures to support informal family carers

It could be a good brain-teaser to ask what is the occupation of the tens of millions of people in Europe today, whose daily work time can span over 24 hours and is not only essential but also life-saving. We could not even say that this type of work is underpaid as it is, in many cases, not paid at all. And although it is not necessarily undervalued, it is clear that this essential work is taken for granted. For COFACE Families Europe, who represents the interests of families across Europe, the answer to this brainteaser is evident.

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a remote-control wheelchair toy
OPINION: How inclusive toys can help to represent and raise awareness of disabilities

OPINION: How inclusive toys can help to represent and raise awareness of disabilities

Around one in 10 children and young people worldwide have a disability, according to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). Children with disabilities are 51% more likely to feel unhappy and 41% more likely to feel discriminated against than children without disabilities. We believe that representing all children through inclusive toys is hugely powerful.

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OPINION: Struggling to balance life and work? Time policies might be the solution

OPINION: Struggling to balance life and work? Time policies might be the solution

We usually take time for granted, but the way we use our time is shaped by our individual and social circumstances and can lead to inequalities, inefficiencies, and diminished well-being of our society. Public and private initiatives that are put forward in order to address such issues are known as time policies.

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