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Policy Briefs
About Policy Briefs

These are short briefs, reflecting on key topics of importance to COFACE (challenges and opportunities) set in an EU context.

Policy BriefsPublications
POLICY BRIEF. Supporting Families in the Digital Era: How to ensure safe and enriching online experiences for children and their Families?

POLICY BRIEF. Supporting Families in the Digital Era: How to ensure safe and enriching online experiences for children and their Families?

EU policy-makers must ensure that all families are given support and guidance to access and navigate the digital environment in a meaningful way. This includes strong legal frameworks as well as strong and “low-threshold” evidence-based support and prevention measures for families. COFACE has produced a policy brief highlighting the importance of digital technologies for children and their families, and analysing whether existing and currently debated EU frameworks aimed at ensuring safe and empowering digital experiences for children integrate a families perspective.

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Policy BriefsPublications
POLICY BRIEF. A families-sensitive approach in European and national measures to tackle energy poverty

POLICY BRIEF. A families-sensitive approach in European and national measures to tackle energy poverty

The EU and its governments must act swiftly for a families-sensitive approach to energy policy and planning. This includes integrated policy solutions that combine energy and social policies - these are vital in addressing the multifaceted nature of energy poverty....

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NewsPolicy Briefs
POLICY BRIEF. Early childhood education and care: A tool for child education, reconciliation of work and family life, and a caring and inclusive economy

POLICY BRIEF. Early childhood education and care: A tool for child education, reconciliation of work and family life, and a caring and inclusive economy

This policy brief examines early childhood education and care at the intersection of childhood, work-life balance and economics, acknowledging the impact of COVID-19 on families, underlining why it is key to invest in inclusive, affordable, accessible, and quality ECEC (the four elements must be there) and describes the socio-economic benefits of ECEC.

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