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19 May, 2022

Celebrating Europe on International Day of Families

The Bonniconlon local guild of the Irish Countrywomen`s Association (member of COFACE Families Europe) has worked hard to organise a public debate on International Day of Families which focuses on celebrating 50 years of Ireland in the European Union. The main topic of the debate was the following: “The EU has delivered on Regional Development”, where different speakers shared EU membership stories. This event is an excellent example of how important it is to create spaces of exchange and knowledge sharing between grassroots organisations and EU decision-makers. 

Members of European Parliament Maria Walsh and Chris Mc Manus opened and took part in the discussions. 

This local guild has chosen to commemorate the referendum on joining the European Economic Community 50 years ago, as a hugely important event in Irish modern history, that led to the development in Ireland locally, regionally, and nationally. They realise that democracy in the European Union needs ongoing support and dialogue, at the citizen level, to highlight our common goals and needs. 

More info about the Irish Countrywomen`s Association here.

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