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1 Dec, 2023

Championing child safety: COFACE member ‘Step by Step’ trains Child Assault Prevention helpers

The Child Assault Prevention (CAP) programme is one of the most comprehensive and innovative prevention programmes for child abuse in the world. The original CAP programme began to be implemented in the United States in 1978. The International Centre for Assault Prevention (ICAP), founded in 1985, has expanded the programme to other countries around the world. This central organisation does not exist anymore, but the programme continues to be implemented in Regional Training Centres. COFACE member, ‘Step by Step’ Parents’ Association, is such a Regional Training Centre in Croatia and trains future CAP helpers in delivering the programme.

The CAP programme equips children with effective prevention strategies to reduce their vulnerability and exposure to various forms of violence. Additionally, it ensures better support for parents, legal guardians, and educators. The programme has several variants that are intended for children of different ages and needs: preschool, kindergarten, teenagers, and children with disabilities.  

Read more about CAP programme here (in Croatian). 

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