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14 Nov, 2023

COFACE Families Europe ‘Easy-to-Read’ Resources

Easy to read logo

“Easy-to-read” is information that is written in a simple and clear way so that all people can understand it. In the ever-evolving landscape of information sharing, the matter of accessibility takes center stage at COFACE, particularly when it comes to our resources and the information we disseminate. In recent years, we have collaborated with easy-to-read translators proficient in both English and French to enhance the accessibility and comprehensibility of specific sections of our website, ensuring that our platform is inclusive and user-friendly for a diverse audience.

You can find COFACE Families Europe “Easy-to-read” ressources below:

New deal for families :

We wrote this booklet to talk about our aims for 2020-2024. There are 10 aims we ask the European Union to make happen by 2024:

  1. Recognise all forms of families
  2. Recognise parents as equal
  3. Make sure all children have a good and safe life
  4. Support families of people with disabilities
  5. Listen to the needs of families
  6. Make access to internet possible for all people
  7. Support families that are poor or left out
  8. Support family carers
  9. Respect the rights of all families
  10. Make the Sustainable Development Goals happen

See the full booklet here: Our aims for 2020-2024

Digitalisation Principles – Our ideas about using the internet safely

Today most of us use the internet in our everyday lives. Amongst other reasons, we may use the internet to:

  • Look for information,
  • Talk to each other,
  • Book appointments,
  • Buy things online,
  • Watch movies,
  • Listen to music.

At COFACE we believe that the internet should be easy and safe for everyone to use without risks. Read more here.


We wrote this booklet to talk about the inclusion of people with disabilities and their families
in the community or society. Inclusion means to be part of something.
It means to not be left out. We made this booklet:
– To talk about the rights and needs of families of people with disabilities.
– To say what should be done so they can get the right support.

This booklet can be useful for everyone who wants to work for the inclusion of people with disabilities and their families.

Read the booklet here in English and French.

Act now for families: 10 things we ask the European Union to do for families in Europe

We made this leaflet to ask people who make decisions and laws in Europe to take action to protect all families ahead of the European Elections in 2024. People in Europe will vote who they want to stand for their rights. These people will make laws and decisions for the European Union. In the next few pages, you will read the 10 things we ask them to do for families in Europe.

Read the leaflet here in English.


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