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17 Sep, 2024

Digitalisation and older people: AGE Platform Europe’s call to EU policy makers

Europe is ageing and is facing a digital revolution. While AGE recognise and value the positive change new technologies can bring, the European platform is also conscious of, and has experienced, the barriers created by too rapid digitalisation and the impact it has on our autonomy, participation and dignity. 

Together with its members, AGE published its contribution to the EU debate on the issues of digitalisation and ageing, including recommendations to achieve a smooth digital transition for everyone, at all ages. 

In their policy paper, they have identified four priorities on which AGE believes the European Union, its Member States and all relevant stakeholders should make progress.

These priorities are: 

Collecting and making available more data on digital technologies in old age, therefore making older people truly visible and to better identify the gaps, the needs for actions as well as the progress. 

Tackling ageism to dismantle stereotypes about older people and digital technologies. The change of lens is critical to make sure that both policies, products and services are shaped to answer people’s needs without further increasing inequalities. 

Guaranteeing full accessibility, including availability and affordability, to ensure that the digital transition leaves no one behind. 

Using human rights as a compass for digitalisation so that people come before technologies. 

AGE’s paper also shows that it is playing an active role in this transition and developing projects and activities, especially to support older people in their daily use of digital technologies across the EU. 

A digital transition should be barrier-free and attractive for all. This requires involving older people, as true partners. 

More info here. 

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