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16 Sep, 2016

Discussion Paper: Laying the foundations for a European Pillar of Social Rights

Laying the foundations for a European Pillar of Social Rights

Discussion Paper  – September 2016

This brief discussion paper sets the context for our reflection seminar taking place on 27 September 2016 in Brussels, hosted together with the European Economic and Social Committee. The seminar is bringing together key influencers to reflect openly on the strengths and challenges of the Pillar, and address any potential gaps this year, before the Pillar takes shape in 2017.  As a key stakeholder in the EU political arena, COFACE Families Europe is interested in discussing both content and process, which are essential foundations of a strong and forward-looking Pillar.

The first section of the discussion paper focuses on the content of the future Pillar, drawing out the policy principles which in our opinion are most relevant to address the immediate needs of families and challenges related to demographic changes in the last decade. The second section discusses process-related elements of the future Pillar, with a focus on the scope of the Pillar, on ways to make the Pillar relevant at local level, and how to ensure the link with other ongoing EU legislative processes.

This year, during the official EU public consultation on the Pillar from March to December 2016, COFACE Families Europe aims to assess the challenges and review the proposed principles. Following our seminar, we will formulate recommendations and continue to encourage our member organisations to respond to the consultation. Next year, as the Pillar takes shape, we will take a closer look at the possible instruments and good practices to drive positive change for families in the framework of the Pillar.

Read the discussion paper here.



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