As Poland marks the one-year anniversary of the implementation of the Work-Life Balance Directive, questions arise about its impact on gender equality in both professional and family spheres. do women and men feel more equal in their professional and family lives?
One key aspect of the directive is its support for both parents in maintaining a work-life balance. But do fathers who have taken parental leave feel satisfied with their decision? Have they encountered any challenges or regrets? And how do their partners perceive this shift in responsibilities?
Employers also play a crucial role in shaping the implementation of the directive. Do they see it as a tool for promoting gender equality in the labour market? Are employers taking proactive steps to support employees in achieving a better work-life balance?
To delve deeper into these questions, COFACE Polish member, Share The Care, launched the next edition of their “Equal at home – equal at work” campaign on the occasion of the anniversary of the entry into force of the Work-Life Balance Directive. Their campaign aims to spark discussions and insights into whether the directive has indeed empowered individuals to achieve greater equality in their work and family lives in Poland.
Learn more here.