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11 Oct, 2023

European Employment & Social Rights Forum 2023: How is Artificial Intelligence shaping work?

How do we make Artificial Intelligence (AI) at work fair for everyone? How do we ensure AI-driven work is equal and transparent? 

Mark your calendar for the second European Employment & Social Rights Forum, taking place on 16 and 17 November 2023 online and in Brussels (the Egg). 

Join EU institution representatives, national policymakers, Ministers, business leaders, social partners, civil society, and academia as they delve into the dynamic realm of artificial intelligence and its impact on the world of work. 

Rapid technological transformation and new digital technologies bring forth a myriad of opportunities. They can create new jobs for people, widen access to education, boost productivity, and improve our efficiency. Yet, these advancements also underscore growing inequality and a lack of transparency across the world. How do we ensure fairness, inclusivity and transparency as we navigate the new world of work? 

The 2023 Forum will revolve around four themes: 

  • The use of AI and algorithmic management in the workplace 
  • AI and inclusivity in European labour markets and society    
  • Digital skills and empowering workers in the context of the European Year of Skills 
  • Emerging technology and work: a global outlook 

More info here. 

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