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Making the European Pillar of Social Rights a reality for Europe’s families: mind the gap

Making the European Pillar of Social Rights a reality for Europe’s families: mind the gap

This COFACE seminar brought together key EU-level stakeholders, and published a discussion paper to kick off the debate.

Session 1: How to take the EU Pillar of Social Rights to the local level to both prevent and address the increasing vulnerability of families?

The first panel discussed openly and constructively how the proposed Pillar can have an impact at local level – what instruments exist already and what are the obstacles and the opportunities in using them.

Session 2: Mainstreaming social rights in other areas: how to take the Pillar beyond the EU social policy realm?

The second panel discussion focused on ensuring horizontal coherence between the Pillar and relevant parallel EU initiatives, which are relevant to some of the principles put forward in the Pillar proposal.

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COFACE working group on safer internet

COFACE working group on safer internet

Apr 8 - 9, 202508:00 - 12:30Helsinki, Finlandchild rights digital parenting parental control prevention safer internet sharenting

The aim of this working group meeting will be to find intersections between family, education and digital policies, to address key digital challenges for families of today, and to build stronger partnerships between family organisations, Safer Internet Centres and other...

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