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#FacturasImposibles – A campaign calling for an energy system that puts families before profit

Download the presentation slides of this webinar here.


15th February 2022 from 9.30-11.00 CET


#FacturasImposibles : A campaign calling for an energy system that puts families before profit


Daniel Alvarez, Projects manager. Isadora Duncan, Spain.
Kieran Pradeep,  Climate Justice and Energy Campaigner, Friends of the Earth Europe.


This breakfast byte will focus on a campaign of Isadora Duncan which highlights how rising energy prices are affecting families in Spain and across Europe, and the need to launch public debates on access to energy as a basic citizenship right. Their campaign #FacturasImposibles puts the focus on the over-indebtedness challenges generated by the “bono social” in Spain, a social discount for energy provision provided by the Government which is flawed in its design. Isadora Duncan calls for families to participate more actively in shaping the policy tools that prevent or tackle energy poverty. A representative from the Right To Energy Coalition will respond to this campaign highlighting actions which can be taken at EU level to address this and related challenges.

More information

It’s impossible – Family Management (
El impacto de la subida de la luz en los hogares vulnerables – EPIU (
Right to Energy Coalition | Take Action to End Energy Poverty in Europe



After a great year 2021 connecting with the COFACE Family Lab community through regular breakfast byte webinars looking at different types of supports to families (a support service, a campaign, a policy, a project, and more) we launched a new breakfast byte series again in 2022.

It again focuses on diverse types of family supports across the EU, including campaigns on inclusive education, cross-border recognition of familial ties, family leadership for an inclusive life, employment supports to adults with disabilities, tips for child safety in the home, training of non-formal education staff for working with children with and without special needs, building energy systems which put families before profits and more.

With these breakfast bytes, we aim to increase critical thinking and understanding of family support systems. The target group of the webinars is especially professionals working with families and children but is open to all (researchers, policy-makers, teachers, health workers, families, and more). It is more important than ever to connect professionals through transnational exchanges in order to tackle the social impacts of COVID-19 on families and children.

Did you miss our breakfast Bytes series or you would like to re-watch it? You can find it on COFACE TV, our Youtube channel.

Download the presentation slides of this webinar here.

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