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COFACE working group on work-life balance 

The aim of this working group is to bring together COFACE members working on work-life balance matters and disability rights, to kick-start a discussion on the work-life balance of parents and carers with disabilities. We will discuss relevant EU legislation, and collect information on challenges and good practices. This is an internal meeting, with some guest speakers.

EU Policy Webinar on the implementation of the European Care Strategy

This webinar will bring together speakers from the EU institutions, and participants from different fields and backgrounds in order to discuss tools for monitoring and evaluation of the European Care Strategy implementation; and to share knowledge from national and EU level in order to strengthen the policy and funding levers to boost implementation.

COFACE working group on safer internet

Helsinki, Finland

The aim of this working group meeting will be to find intersections between family, education and digital policies, to address key digital challenges for families of today, and to build stronger partnerships between family organisations, Safer Internet Centres and other stakeholders.