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17 Mar, 2022

Joint responsability and work, personal and family life balance in Spain. Inequalities and transformations following Covid-19

Picture of grandparents wearing masks and playing with toddlers

Our member, UNAF Spain, has carried out a study in collaboration with the Department of Sociology at the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) based on a representative survey of people in the 25 to 65 age range, with a larger representation of those living with a minor of up to 5 years of age. The authors, Teresa Jurado Guerrero, Irina Fernández Lozano, Cristina Castellanos Serrano and Andrea Fernández Novo, looked at how the pandemic and the measures adopted to combat it have affected material well-being and the availability of time with which to balance work, personal and family life. The work and family conditions before the First State of Alarm (10/03/2020) and after the second (10/05/2021) are compared, taking into account the context of the policies at a European and Spanish level. An assessment of the effect of COVID-19 is given, with efforts made to avoid the middle-class bias of other studies and provide a longitudinal perspective, in addition to information on the division of chores and joint responsibility.

Read the full report here.


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