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Results for "Social inclusion"

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Research webinar: European Observatory on Family Policy

Research webinar: European Observatory on Family Policy

This research webinar is open to anyone interested in research on family policies (from a design or implementation perspective). It will be the occasion to discuss the results of the first research report of the European Observatory on Family Policy with COFACE Families Europe and the Centre for Family Studies of ODISEE University of Applied Sciences, founders of the Observatory.

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Transforming health through nature-based interventions: KMOP joins Horizon Europe’s NATURELAB Project 

Transforming health through nature-based interventions: KMOP joins Horizon Europe’s NATURELAB Project 

Nowadays, over 50% of the human population lives in cities and although cities are increasing their blue and green areas, the health care potential of nature areas is not adequately considered. Recognising this gap, KMOP, a dedicated member of COFACE, has embarked on an inspiring journey with the NATURELAB project under the Horizon Europe initiative.  

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Blue piece of COFACE star
Towards a comprehensive and inclusive social protection of families in Europe

Towards a comprehensive and inclusive social protection of families in Europe

On 27th September 2023, COFACE intervened at a conference organised by the Spanish presidency of the Council of the European Union on the topic of social protection of families.The Spanish Ministry of Social Rights and 2030 Agenda and Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migrations brought together a wide range of Spanish, European and international speakers to look at existing data on family models and explored different policy solutions.

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FIAPAS Manifesto on World Deaf Day 2023

FIAPAS Manifesto on World Deaf Day 2023

On September 24, 2023, marking World Deaf Day, the Spanish Confederation of Families of Deaf People (FIAPAS) celebrated its 45th anniversary by unveiling the FIAPAS Manifesto. This powerful declaration from COFACE member organisation serves as a testament to the enduring commitment of FIAPAS and its network of family associations in creating social change that empowers deaf individuals and their families.  

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Raising the bar: The Push for 25 Days of Annual Parental leave in Belgium 

Raising the bar: The Push for 25 Days of Annual Parental leave in Belgium 

Ligue des familles, a Belgian member of COFACE Families Europe, advocates for an increase in the minimum number of annual leave days per year. 
Parents need their annual leave to meet the essential need for balance between family life and work.  According to their latest Barometer 2022 (Ipsos data), 70% of parents find it difficult to work full-time while having children.

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work life balance concept with two blocks representing work and life
A Better Work–Life Balance: Bridging the gender care gap 

A Better Work–Life Balance: Bridging the gender care gap 

Care is a fundamental aspect of our lives, as everyone will either require or provide care at some point. Gender inequalities in informal care and its implications for carers and the labour market is of major concern in the EU. The COVID-19 pandemic has shed light on the significance of formal care services, unveiling the vulnerabilities of care systems. Failure to address the existing deficiencies in care provision and access to formal care services could result in a future care crisis and exacerbate gender inequalities.

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Austria’s implementation of the EU Work-Life Balance Directive: COFACE member KFÖ’s key takeaways

Austria’s implementation of the EU Work-Life Balance Directive: COFACE member KFÖ’s key takeaways

Alfred Trendl, President of the Catholic Family Association Austria (KFÖ), expressed both approval and concern regarding the government's implementation of the EU directive aimed at strengthening work-life balance and partnership. While applauding the doubling of the family time bonus to 1,480 euros per month, Trendl voiced criticism of the government's decision to cut two months of leave for families where only one parent takes parental leave. He argued that this infringes upon parental choice in childcare arrangements. 

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