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Results for "Social inclusion"

Report of the High-Level Group on the future of social protection and of the welfare state in the EU

Report of the High-Level Group on the future of social protection and of the welfare state in the EU

The main task of the High-Level Group was to analyse the expected impacts of megatrends such as demographic changes, resulting in a shrinking workforce and an ageing population, transformations on the labour market and the digital and green transitions, as well as the emergence of new risks on the social protection and on the welfare systems.  

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Media ReleasesNews
Single Motherhood as a vulnerability factor: can you afford your relationship status?

Single Motherhood as a vulnerability factor: can you afford your relationship status?

While single motherhood does not automatically mean vulnerability, statistics, and testimonies show that this status puts women at increased risk of poverty and social exclusion.  On this International women’s rights day, COFACE Families Europe is calling on the EU and Member States to act now for the economic and social rights of single mothers.

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Photo collage of different portraits of people with different disabilities with colorful background
Promoting Dialogue for Inclusion: Fundação LIGA’s Podcast “Inclusivamente”

Promoting Dialogue for Inclusion: Fundação LIGA’s Podcast “Inclusivamente”

COFACE member organisation, Fundação LIGA, is making strides in promoting open dialogue about diversity and inclusion in society with their bi-monthly podcast “Inclusivamente”. The podcast features meaningful conversations with people with disabilities, businesses, and universities.  

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OPINION: Who cares? Achieving effective measures to support informal family carers

OPINION: Who cares? Achieving effective measures to support informal family carers

It could be a good brain-teaser to ask what is the occupation of the tens of millions of people in Europe today, whose daily work time can span over 24 hours and is not only essential but also life-saving. We could not even say that this type of work is underpaid as it is, in many cases, not paid at all. And although it is not necessarily undervalued, it is clear that this essential work is taken for granted. For COFACE Families Europe, who represents the interests of families across Europe, the answer to this brainteaser is evident.

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Taking action to achieve Gender Equality: COFACE’s President speaks at the European Parliament

Taking action to achieve Gender Equality: COFACE’s President speaks at the European Parliament

COFACE and its members in Europe work to address the needs of all families and boost gender equality. In February 2023, our president Annemie Drieskens delivered a speech at the European Parliament during the “Empowering Women Now” event organised by Renew Europe. 

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Photo of person with disabilities indoors behind counter and preparing take-away food orders
Social protection for people with disabilities in Europe: The European Social Policy Network analysis of policies in 35 countries

Social protection for people with disabilities in Europe: The European Social Policy Network analysis of policies in 35 countries

The European Social Policy Network (ESPN), which supports the European Commission in monitoring progress towards EU social protection, prepared a Synthesis Report collecting the findings from 35 national reports. The Synthesis Report describes and analyses the conditions under which persons with disabilities aged 18 years and above have effective access to social protection.

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