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Results for "no discrimination"

Report of the European Observatory on Family Policy: Towards greater family policy integration across Europe

Report of the European Observatory on Family Policy: Towards greater family policy integration across Europe

Families with young children have complex necessities in the period before the start of compulsory schooling. Often, these needs cannot be reduced to educational, healthcare or caregiving demands alone.This comparative report aims to investigate possible responses to multisectoral needs of households by providing an overview of the current alignment and coordination between complementary services and policy areas in four European countries (Finland, Germany, Italy, and Poland) and the Belgian region of Flanders.

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From farm to fork: A conference focused on more sustainable school lunches programme in Czechia

From farm to fork: A conference focused on more sustainable school lunches programme in Czechia

Our dedicated member, WOMEN FOR WOMEN is in charge of the project “Lunch for Kids” and in that context it had the opportunity to actively participated in the “Farm to Fork conference”. The programme focused on meals for the public, local produce and school lunches. 

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Picture of blue EU flag with yellow stars
European Report on the access for children in need to key services covered by the European Child Guarantee

European Report on the access for children in need to key services covered by the European Child Guarantee

This report from the European Social Policy Analysis Network (ESPAN) shows that most EU countries have mechanisms in place to ensure that all children (or at least those from low-income households) have access to each of these six “services”. However, these mechanisms vary considerably in reach, and all 27 countries have challenges to meet which may only concern access to a few services or may relate to (almost) all of them. 

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Joint statement: Building up European care capital – sustainable investments, not burdensome costs

Joint statement: Building up European care capital – sustainable investments, not burdensome costs

Everywhere, organisations have been raising the alarm about the shortage of care services, professional care staff, insufficient support to informal carers, and the dangerous and immediate consequences for the entire society. On the first UN International Day of Care and Support, 17 European organisations call for urgent measures to address underinvestment and staff shortages in long-term care.

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