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Results for "no discrimination"

European Parliament’s position paves the way for ambitious European Disability Card 

European Parliament’s position paves the way for ambitious European Disability Card 

The European Parliament’s official position on the proposed Directive for a European Disability Card and a European Parking Card adopted by unanimity in a vote at the Employment and Social Affairs Committee is very appreciated. The position reflects the demands of persons with disabilities. It also means that negotiations between the EU institutions on the final text can now begin, the final phase of the EU decision-making procedure. 

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Our wishes for a peaceful, healthy and successful 2024

Our wishes for a peaceful, healthy and successful 2024

As we kick off the year, our president, Annemie Drieskens, shared a hopeful message along with warm New Year wishes.
We wish you and your family a prosperous New Year filled with collaboration, unity and continued efforts for our beloved Europe—one where families are at the forefront, and their health and wellbeing take center stage in our collective actions.

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Guaranteeing a healthy nutrition for all children in the European Union

Guaranteeing a healthy nutrition for all children in the European Union

On World Children's Day 2023, the Spanish presidency organised an event in San Sebastián aimed at strengthening the commitment to providing school meals, building upon the foundation laid by the European Child Guarantee. COFACE Families Europe was represented at this conference by Spanish COFACE Board member, Amaia Echevarría, Director of UNAF Spain.  

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Eurostat: New indicators on childcare participation and intensity

Eurostat: New indicators on childcare participation and intensity

As of December 2023, Eurostat introduced a novel indicator titled 'Children in formal childcare or education by age group and duration.' This indicator aims to provide insights into the participation patterns of children aged 3 years to the minimum compulsory school age in formal childcare or education within the European Union.

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Life-long learning: Bringing the family perspective to the education field

Life-long learning: Bringing the family perspective to the education field

This expert meeting brought together speakers from Ireland and Europe to help pave the way for family-centred education and learning systems. The expert meeting will be an opportunity to spotlight the diversity of educational approaches by featuring professionals working with families in different EU countries, to share their insights on developing learning materials by-with-for families.

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