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Results for "no discrimination"

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Minimum wages: Non-compliance and enforcement across EU Member States

Minimum wages: Non-compliance and enforcement across EU Member States

In 2020, the European Parliament requested the European Commission to carry out a pilot project on the “Role of the minimum wage in establishing the Universal Labour Guarantee”. Eurofound was entrusted with the implementation of this pilot project (2021–2023). This report examines non-compliance with minimum wage legislation and how Member States approach enforcement. 

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New European study brings the voice of families to the fore on need for a more robust approach to supporting families

New European study brings the voice of families to the fore on need for a more robust approach to supporting families

The rEUsilience project under Horizon Europe (with COFACE as an intergral partner), has recently presented its latest findings from focus groups involving over 300 family members across six European countries (Belgium, Croatia, Poland, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom). These insights delve into the realities families encounter amidst socio-economic risks like job loss and substantial care responsibilities.

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COFACE welcomes new Belgian member: Parents for Inclusion – Ouders voor Inclusie 

COFACE welcomes new Belgian member: Parents for Inclusion – Ouders voor Inclusie 

It is our pleasure to welcome and introduce COFACE’s newest member who is joining us from Belgium (Flanders) to contribute to positive outcomes for families in a changing society. Read on to learn more about the great work and expertise of Parents for Inclusion (Ouders voor Inclusie). 

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Belgium assumes EU Presidency

Belgium assumes EU Presidency

The Council of the European Union will be headed by Belgium for the first six months of 2024 (1st of January to the 30th of June), a special year for the institution because next June, the citizens of the 27 Member States (nearly 200 million voters in the last elections in 2019) will elect the 720 new Members of the European Parliament.

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Insights into Early Detection of Postnatal Hearing Loss: A guide by COFACE member FIAPAS

Insights into Early Detection of Postnatal Hearing Loss: A guide by COFACE member FIAPAS

Explore the latest brochure developed by Spanish COFACE member FIAPAS in partnership with the Commission for the Early Detection of Hearing Loss (CODEPEH). Unveiling a comprehensive understanding, the brochure addresses this hearing disorder detected after birth, encompassing three distinct types: progressive, late-onset, and acquired.

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European report on targeted measures for persons with disabilities to cope with the cost-of-living crisis

European report on targeted measures for persons with disabilities to cope with the cost-of-living crisis

There are currently 100 million persons with disabilities in the European Union, representing 15% of the total population. Data shows that persons with disabilities more likely experience poverty or social exclusion than persons without disabilities (in 2021, 29.7% vs 18.8%). This study brings together available knowledge that recent crises, like the COVID-19 pandemic, the ongoing energy crisis due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, together with rising inflation affect persons with disabilities and their families disproportionately.

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OPINION – Europe, listen to survivors and stop abuse online

OPINION – Europe, listen to survivors and stop abuse online

Content warning: this article includes material about child sexual abuse  that some people might find confronting.

In the 17 seconds you have taken to read this far, footage or images of at least 34 children being abused have been uploaded onto the world wide web. 2 per second. This is the rate of appearance of the kind of material Apple is wilfully failing to detect.

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Championing child safety: COFACE member ‘Step by Step’ trains Child Assault Prevention helpers

Championing child safety: COFACE member ‘Step by Step’ trains Child Assault Prevention helpers

The Child Assault Prevention (CAP) program equips children with effective prevention strategies to reduce their vulnerability and exposure to various forms of violence. As a Regional Training Center in Croatia, our COFACE member, the 'Step by Step' Parents' Association, trains future CAP helpers in delivering the program.

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