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25 Jun, 2024

POLICY BRIEF. Supporting Families in the Digital Era: How to ensure safe and enriching online experiences for children and their Families?

EU policy-makers must ensure that all families are given support and guidance to access and navigate the digital environment in a meaningful way. This includes strong legal frameworks as well as strong and “low-threshold” evidence-based support and prevention measures for families. COFACE has produced a policy brief highlighting the importance of digital technologies for children and their families, and analysing whether existing and currently debated EU frameworks aimed at ensuring safe and empowering digital experiences for children integrate a families perspective.

Most children in Europe today live in media-rich households where digital technologies are part of their everyday lives. Nevertheless, the ways children and their families engage with digital technologies are complex and have varying effects. On the one hand, digital technologies offer unique opportunities for all family members. Digital technologies support children in their education and leisure activities, for example, but also make it easier for family members to stay in touch with each other or to play together. On the other hand, children – and adults – face online risks and challenges. Some of these risks include, but are not limited to, cyberbullying, mis- and disinformation, harmful and illegal content, and online child sexual abuse. These risks have a major impact on a child’s safety, and the mental and physical well-being of both children and their families. Some families may face additional challenges in the digital environment due to specific vulnerabilities linked to poverty, disability or discrimination.

The negative effects of technology need to be addressed through a mix of strong legal frameworks as well as strong and “low-threshold” evidence-based support and prevention measures for families. This means on the one hand to create inclusive and accessible online environments, including through appropriate self-regulation by the industries concerned. On the other hand, it means supporting educators (formal and non-formal), parents and carers in their digital literacy, but also promoting work-life balance, so that parents and carers have time to support their children.

This COFACE policy brief highlights the importance of digital technologies for children and their families, presents some activities that are in place or in current debate at EU level and draws some findings for further measures to support families in the digital era. To do this, the first section analyses some of the EU frameworks which include measures to ensure safe and empowering digital experiences for children, and whether they integrate a families perspective. The second section of the policy brief spotlights some practices of COFACE member organisations from 9 different European countries. The practices are diverse, ranging from boosting digital parenting skills to tackling and preventing specific risks, such as child sexual abuse online. Finally, the concluding section brings key messages and recommendations for EU policy makers.

Implementation of the European legal and policy frameworks mentioned in this brief is key, and these should be strengthened and continued under the new 2024-2029 European Union mandate following the June 2024 European elections.  Besides the State level and the ICT industry, action is also needed at community level, involving all key stakeholders close to the lives of the families and children. Such community-level actions, for example, can be strengthened by channelling funding to key stakeholders (e.g. local authorities, non-profits, schools), through a mix of operating and project grants. Family organisations, like the ones united in COFACE and its members are among those stakeholders.

COFACE will continue to monitor closely the various EU initiatives impacting families, using the COFACE Digitalisation Principles as the key compass for assessing them.

Read the full brief here.

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