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COFACE Disability Platform
Rallying for dignity: Unapei launches national petition for improved healthcare in France

Rallying for dignity: Unapei launches national petition for improved healthcare in France

For months, COFACE Disability Platform, Unapei, and other solidarity and healthcare associations have voiced concerns about the conditions of non-profit establishments and services implementing French local government policies. Alongside Uniopss (National Interfederal Union of Non-Profit Health and Social Organizations), Unapei is launching a petition, “For Dignified Support: Let’s Sound the Alarm Together.” It urges everyone to take action, including pushing for these topics to be discussed in the social life councils of establishments.

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Too old to care? Looking at disability and ageing from the perspective of family carers

Too old to care? Looking at disability and ageing from the perspective of family carers

Persons with disabilities have the right to live independently, included in the community and to family life. To mark the 2023 UN International Day of Persons with Disabilities, the COFACE Disability Platform places the spotlight on family carers. Their crucial role can significantly boost the fulfillment of the rights outlined in the UN Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, provided they receive adequate support. A COFACE Disability “Thematic Note” was developed to contribute to policy discussions and help find constructive solutions.

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