A growing recognition of the challenges faced by care systems in the EU is leading to promising steps towards stronger support for family carers. COFACE is deeply engaged in shaping this agenda, advocating for comprehensive policies as outlined in its revised European Charter for Family Carers.
Who’s caring for the carers ? Call for greater recognition and support for family carers across EU policies and funding
In most European countries, there is a lack of adequate community-based services for persons with care needs. In many cases, this gap is filled by family members who frequently face the challenge of balancing their own needs with the demands of caregiving. However invaluable this role may be, non-professional care provided by family members should never replace the duty of national public authorities to provide high-quality, accessible and affordable support and care services to ensure people’s full participation in society.
Unapei leads the way in shaping inclusive EU policies for people with disabilities
On 13 September 2024, Unapei’s Europe Commission held a pivotal seminar in Paris, bringing together members of the Unapei network and their European partners, including COFACE Families Europe. Unapei’s Europe Commission is dedicated to addressing EU political developments related to the rights and inclusion of people with disabilities and their families, with a focus on positively influencing these issues.