In November 2024, COFACE member organisation APF France launched its second season of the short TV programme “Tous en scène pour le Handicap” (All on Stage for Disability)”. After the success of its first season in 2023, 10 new artists and public figures have taken the stage to humorously share real-life stories experienced by members of APF France.
COFACE’s rEUsilience Project: exploring family socio-economic well-being in Europe through interactive data visualisation
COFACE is part of the rEUsilience project which aims to understand how different families respond when they are faced with socio-economic shocks and major decisions regarding managing family life and securing a decent income. A key outcome of this project is a compendium of families’ risks, resources, and resilience which provides users with open-access data to understand the situation of families in Europe.
New European study brings the voice of families to the fore on need for a more robust approach to supporting families
The rEUsilience project under Horizon Europe (with COFACE as an intergral partner), has recently presented its latest findings from focus groups involving over 300 family members across six European countries (Belgium, Croatia, Poland, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom). These insights delve into the realities families encounter amidst socio-economic risks like job loss and substantial care responsibilities.
COFACE Families Europe ‘Easy-to-Read’ Resources
“Easy-to-read” is information that is written in a simple and clear way so that all people can understand it. In the ever-evolving landscape of information sharing, the matter of accessibility takes center stage at COFACE, particularly when it comes to our resources and the information we disseminate.
COFACE Disability working group on age and disability
COFACE Disability members are invited to this online information session on age and disability