On behalf of the European Expert Group on the transition from institution to community-based living (EEG), we are pleased to invite you to our annual study session.
Family carers in Europe today: state of play
In the run-up to the 29th October UN international day of care and support, this European round table hosted by the COFACE Disability and the European Committee of teh Regions will foster debate on the realities and support needs of family carers in the European Union today.
Joint Statement on European Care Strategy transparency
Following the call on 8th April 2024 for a European Long-Term Care Platform, 18 organisations signed a joint statement urging national governments and the European Commission to ensure open and transparent reporting mechanisms for the European Care Strategy, for its effective monitoring and implementation.
COFACE Disability platform – annual meeting
The annual meeting of COFACE Disability will take place in Brussels this year. This will cover many topics including family carer, discussions on EU policy and funding, early childhood intervention, employment and disability, accessibility and more. Open to COFACE Disability members only.
COFACE Disability working group on age and disability
COFACE Disability members are invited to this online information session on age and disability
EU Care Stategy: COFACE Families Europe Recommendations
EU Care Strategy: COFACE Families Europe Recommendations For a future of care that supports and recognises family carers A societal shift on the way we envision care is essential to create a sustainable future, which will serve social and economic inclusion of all and...