For the release of the French movie titled “Mon Inséparable”, Elisabeth Lammers, vice-president of Unapei (a COFACE Disability Platform member organisation), was invited on the radio channel, France Inter. Alongside the lead actor and director, Elisabeth Lammers stressed Unapei’s commitment to empowering people with disabilities.
Inclusive support systems for single parents families: from Belgium to Hungary
All across Europe, COFACE members continuously work to contribute to positive outcomes for diverse types of families in a changing society, including single-parent households. Organisations such as La Ligue des Familles and Single Parents Foundation have both recently and respectively put a spotlight on concrete ways to support and empower single parents in Europe from Belgium to Hungary.
Run for Change: Ligue des Familles campaigns for better paid parental leave
COFACE’s Belgian member, Ligue des Familles, is on a mission to secure better pay for parental leave, recognizing it as a critical support for parents. However, the current financial compensation is far from adequate, discouraging many parents from taking this important leave.
Guidelines for detecting Postnatal Hearing Loss by COFACE Member FIAPAS
Postnatal childhood hearing loss is the hearing disorder detected after birth. There are three types: progressive, late-onset and acquired. These are compounded by those attributed to the lack of sensitivity of diagnostic technology or non-compliance with protocols.
COFACE member AGF’s position on the EU parenthood recognition regulation
The representatives of the EU Member States are currently negotiating a proposal from the EU Commission for a Council Regulation on the mutual recognition of parenthood in the EU. The planned regulation aims to ensure that the parenthood of a child that is legally established in one EU member state is also recognised by the other member states.
Rainbow organisations condemn Human Rights violations in Italy
COFACE member NELFA marked World Children’s Day on November 20th 2023 alongside several other rainbow organisations with a joint statement highlighting and condemning recent developments in Italy, where some children are now facing the distressing reality of unrecognised parents. All families need to be recognised and respected, without discrimination, in order to protect the best interest of the child and make sure they are not exposed to discrimation.
Guiding Children Through Parental Separation: Key tips from Women for Women
Every year, thirty thousand minor children in the Czech Republic face the divorce or separation of their parents. COFACE member organisation Women for Women (W4W) runs a service which supports separating parents and offers them a helping hand.
European Commission proposes new rules for the recognition of parenthood between Member States
In December 2022, as part of its Equality package, the Commission adopted a proposal for a Regulation aimed at harmonising at EU level the rules of private international law relating to parenthood. In line with the EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child, the proposal is focused on the best interests and the rights of the child.
5 Ways Men Can Step Up at Home
In Eastern Europe and Central Asia, women spend 3 hours more per day on unpaid care work than men. It’s high time that men step up at home, here are 5 ways they can do so.
Cross-border recognition of familial ties within the European Union
Rainbow families within the EU still face many problems when they attempt to exercise their free movement rights. Same-sex couples cease to exist when crossing a border, children lose their legal ties to (at least one of) their parents. More and more cases show the urgent need to change the situation.