The rEUsilience project under Horizon Europe (with COFACE as an intergral partner), has recently presented its latest findings from focus groups involving over 300 family members across six European countries (Belgium, Croatia, Poland, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom). These insights delve into the realities families encounter amidst socio-economic risks like job loss and substantial care responsibilities.
rEUsilience new working paper: Inequalities in family resilience
This research report focuses on the capacity of policies to attenuate the link between risks and poor outcomes.
As “resilience” is increasingly used in European policy circles, it is important to acknowledge structural inequalities that are present in the capacity of families to be resilient.
First rEUsilience working paper “Family profiles: Risks, resources, and inequalities”
rEUsilience, a Horizon Europe research initiative spanning from 2022 to 2025, is a collaborative effort involving renowned universities such as Oxford, Stockholm, Barcelona, Warsaw, KULeuven, and Zagreb, with COFACE as an integral partner. The first working paper from rEUsilience maps how resilience is being used in the EU policy discourse, noting how there is a lack of a clear conceptualisation of how it applies to families.
European Semester 2023 Reports: Spotlight on Measures to Boost Resilience of Families
The Commission presented the annual European Semester Spring Package on 24 May 2023. The Package includes a Communication, country reports and country-specific recommendations for all 27 Member States, in-depth reviews for 17 Member States, and a Commission proposal on guidelines for Member States’ employment policies in 2023.
Kick-off new Horizon Europe project to study resilience of European families (rEUsilience)
Will a better understanding of families lead to improved welfare states? That’s the hope of a big new Horizon Europe research project, rEUsilience, in six European countries. In focusing especially on families that may not be able to respond and understand the conditions that make for familial resilience.