The “Design Thinking for Inclusive Education: Connecting Families and Educators” workshop, held during LLLWeek, built on the momentum from the Dublin conference, where The Lifelong Learning Platform, The European Association for the Education of Adults and COFACE Families Europe united to address gaps in EU education and training policies.
Understanding the take-up of early education entitlements – a study by Coram Family and Childcare
COFACE member, Coram – Family and Childare recently published a study looking at early education entitlements for young children in England, focusing on the challenges some families, especially disadvantaged ones, face in accessing these services.
Analysing family policies from the perspective of resilience
Resilience is a term that has been gaining more and more attention in policy discourses. The latest research coming from the European research project ‘rEUsilience’ , with COFACE as an internal partner, analyses social policy provision in six European countries (Belgium, Croatia, Spain, Sweden, Poland, and the UK) to assess to what extent policy systems in these countries support families to be resilient.
Online capacity-building on EU funding and social services for families
A representative from the Helpdesk on EU funds for social services (run by EASPD) will provide an overview of key funds and how they support the development of social services linked to the implementation of different European strategies.