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9 Feb, 2022

The future of schools beyond Covid-19

The outbreak of Covid-19 changed schools almost overnight. There was suddenly a lot of uncertainty around the question of how to deliver school education. This new situation created a huge challenge for all actors involved. This report from the European Schoolnet shares the collective learning experiences of speakers and participants during its webinar series that run between November 2020 and March 2021. It aims to foster a discussion about what the future of school education beyond Covid-19 could and should look like. The report invites the reader to reflect on which changes in teaching and learning due to Covid-19 they would like to keep and which ones not.

The focus topics of the report are digital infrastructure, the role of students and parents, digital inequalities, well-being online and fake news around Covid-19, school leadership, and the future of education beyond Covid-19. The first webinar in March 2020 already highlighted how many teachers immediately rose to the challenge when schools had to close due to Covid-19. Some key enablers emerged from the webinar series, notably effective school leadership, a strong connection with communities within and outside of school, and support for those at risk of being left behind. One key lesson learned from the webinar series was that each school and teacher is different and that there are no “one size fits all” solutions. Each school had a different starting point in March 2020 and coped differently with the task of organizing remote and blended teaching. Therefore, they also have different needs and visions on how to move forward towards a better school education beyond Covid-19.

Read the full report here (EN).



Photo: ©Getty Images Pro via

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