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Here you will see news from Europe, from civil society, from research, highlighting emerging trends from local to international level relevant for families of today.

Text from The Ligue des familles media in french.
Economic violence on women – Belgium

Economic violence on women – Belgium

Violence against women is not limited to physical or psychological aggression. It also takes a more insidious, but equally destructive form: economic violence. COFACE Families Europe's member based in Belgium, The Ligue des familles and nine other organizations are calling for a universal and automatic alimony fund, based on the French or Quebec model, through which all alimony claims would pass - not just unpaid situations.

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Joint Statement. Time for ambition: The EU needs a strong Social Fund to live up to its commitments

Joint Statement. Time for ambition: The EU needs a strong Social Fund to live up to its commitments

Time for ambition: The EU needs a strong Social Fund to live up to its commitments The European Union has begun talks on the next long-term EU Budget, which will determine how billions of euros are invested in Europe’s future. Initial discussions suggest potential...

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Image of child and backpack with text " France Sweet France, Land of Education For all... except pupils with disabilities" and "#NotSoSweetFrance".
The Council of Europe denounces the violation of the rights of people with disabilities by the French State

The Council of Europe denounces the violation of the rights of people with disabilities by the French State

The Council of Europe's Committee of Social Rights recognises that in terms of social protection, the French state does not do enough for families affected by disability which contributes to their discrimination and precariousness. This statement is the result of a collective complaint filed by Unapei, APF France handicap, Unafam and FNATH.

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Inclusive education for an Inclusive Europe – a critical perspective by Genitori Tosti 

Inclusive education for an Inclusive Europe – a critical perspective by Genitori Tosti 

Representatives of Genitori Tosti (member of COFACE Disability) attended a European expert meeting co-organised by AIAS and COFACE Disability to take stock of progress in inclusive education in Europe. The event took place at the end of March with 100+ participants in Monza (Italy) looking at the Italian system as a starting point for discussions with European peer countries and with EU policy-makers. 

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Paths2Include: A new 3-year European research project kicks off in Oslo  

Paths2Include: A new 3-year European research project kicks off in Oslo  

Paths2Include aims to find new solutions to overcome barriers to the inclusion of persons in vulnerable situations in the labour market. It will provide new gender-sensitive and comparative data on effective employment policies to foster inclusive labour markets. The project will tackle the dimension of discrimination based on gender, racial or ethnic origin, civil and family status, care responsibilities, disability and health, age and sexual orientation, in three labour market processes - recruitment, career trajectories and work exit.

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Commission takes action to promote work-life balance in the EU 

Commission takes action to promote work-life balance in the EU 

To safeguard the right to work-life balance across Member States, in April 2023, the European Commission decided to continue infringement procedures against Belgium Czechia, Ireland, Greece, Spain, France, Croatia, Cyprus, Luxembourg, Austria, and Slovenia by sending them a reasoned opinion for failing to notify national measures fully transposing EU rules establishing rights on work-life balance for parents and carers. 

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EU Cohesion policy – expected impact on social rights of children and families

EU Cohesion policy – expected impact on social rights of children and families

On 2 May 2023, the European Commission published a Staff Working Document: “Cohesion 2021-2027: forging an ever-stronger Union - Report on the outcome of 2021-2027 cohesion policy programming.” The report shows how the policy will provide investments worth a total of €545 billion, of which, €378 billion is funded by the EU.

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Media ReleasesNews
Early Childhood Education and Care in times of trouble: Time for European minimum quality standards 

Early Childhood Education and Care in times of trouble: Time for European minimum quality standards 

Media release, 15th May 2023 International Day of Families   As governments across the EU are called upon to increase the overall uptake of Early Childhood Education and Care, COFACE members are reporting increasing trade-offs between quality and quantity,...

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