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About Opinions

Take a look at our Opinion series, with individual voices from inside and outside COFACE, providing different perspectives and insights on topics relevant for families of today.

A toddler playing with sand.
OPINION – The Future I wish for: reflections from a young mother in Italy

OPINION – The Future I wish for: reflections from a young mother in Italy

Daniela, a young mother, shares her testimony of challenging societal perceptions and finding empowerment through the “We care... but who cares for us?” Erasmus+ project. The initiative supports young parents under 30, helping them engage in democratic life while balancing family responsibilities. Through self-reflection, training, and advocacy, participants gain a stronger voice in shaping youth and family policies.

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OPINION – Muting machismo in video games: a necessary step towards equality

OPINION – Muting machismo in video games: a necessary step towards equality

In a world where technology is an inexorable part of our lives, accessing and making use of it on equal terms has become a vital necessity and a right that makes the difference between full participation and discrimination, between socialisation and isolation, between inclusion and social exclusion.

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Blue map of the European Union with the EU flag yellow stars
OPINION – Harmonising Personal Insolvency Laws: Supporting Over-Indebted Families Across the EU

OPINION – Harmonising Personal Insolvency Laws: Supporting Over-Indebted Families Across the EU

Harmonising Personal Insolvency Laws: Supporting Over-Indebted Families Across the EU COFACE-Families Europe has been working on tackling over-indebtedness considering its impact on families’ well-being. Besides prevention, personal insolvency laws have a profound...

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OPINION: Digital Euro = Digital cash?

OPINION: Digital Euro = Digital cash?

The European Commission’s targeted consultation on a digital euro ended on the 16th of June and while the future of our common currency may seem far remote from the concerns of civil society, the stakes are much higher than one might suspect. COFACE-Families Europe answered the consultation underlining the importance of treating money as a public good, and especially, as a vital instrument for citizens to be able to transact freely.

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Digital native kids using digital tablet during science project at home
OPINION: It’s time for the digital generation to actively shape the digital era: a call for child participation from an ‘almost’ digital native

OPINION: It’s time for the digital generation to actively shape the digital era: a call for child participation from an ‘almost’ digital native

As adults, we can feel pretty sure that we know what children need and want. The problem is that we are often wrong. In the DigiGen project focusing on the impact of technological transformation on children and young people, we engaged in research with children and families across Europe.

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Child in supermarket buying fruit and juice.
OPINION – The regulation of food marketing in Europe: From a dogmatic belief in self-regulation to the adoption of an effective regulatory framework?

OPINION – The regulation of food marketing in Europe: From a dogmatic belief in self-regulation to the adoption of an effective regulatory framework?

Legislative reforms must be driven by evidence, not by a dogmatic belief in self-regulation. It is only if the EU adopts legally binding rules protecting all children from exposure to all forms of cross-border unhealthy food marketing that it will ensure that their best interests are upheld as a primary consideration.

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A picture with kids smiling and playing with a digital tablet
OPINION: It’s our collective responsibility to protect children – and tech has a key role to play

OPINION: It’s our collective responsibility to protect children – and tech has a key role to play

As a parent and child safety expert, I see great value in how the internet can help children grow. Finding relevant information can be transformational but it’s important that this is done in a way that is safe, protects their privacy, and puts minors in control of their data.

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