COFACE Families Europe adopts Digitalisation principles for creating a better Internet and web for all
COFACE Families Europe adopted 14 Digitalisation principles for creating a better Internet and web for all.
COFACE Families Europe adopted 14 Digitalisation principles for creating a better Internet and web for all.
In October 2024, COFACE co-hosted a European expert meeting in Berlin on the role of local prevention systems for implementing the European Child Guarantee. Click here to see the key findings.
This position paper adopted end 2024 analyses how the quality of interaction between ECEC services and families can enhance educational outcomes and the overall experience for both children and parents.
COFACE and NAMS Lithunia organised a European expert meeting in Vilnius in September 2024 to explore the intersection of two domains (mental health and work-life balance), bringing together stakeholders from academia, industry, government, and civil society.
During this European round table, the COFACE Disability platform for the rights of persons with disabilities and their families (founded in 1998) outlined the needs of family carers today based on its European Charter for Family Carers. Different stakeholders from the EU institutions and civil society reacted from their different perspectives. Read the key findings here
In order to boost the shift towards fully inclusive societies, the COFACE Disability platform for the rights of persons with disabilities and their families produced the S.H.I.F.T. guide in 2019, which proposes 5 objectives, 15 tools, and 45 actions in the areas of Support, Human rights, Independence, Families and society Transition to achieve meaningful inclusion of persons with disabilities and their families.
The European Charter addresses the needs of family carers irrespective of the cause of the person’s support need.
In April 2024, COFACE and the Irish Country Women's Association co-hosted a European expert meeting on Life-long learning and bringing the family perspective to the education field. This expert meeting brought together speakers from Ireland and Europe to help pave the way for family-centred education and learning systems.
EU policy-makers must ensure that all families are given support and guidance to access and navigate the digital environment in a meaningful way. This includes strong legal frameworks as well as strong and “low-threshold” evidence-based support and prevention measures for families. COFACE has produced a policy brief highlighting the importance of digital technologies for children and their families, and analysing whether existing and currently debated EU frameworks aimed at ensuring safe and empowering digital experiences for children integrate a families perspective.