COFACE Families Europe adopts Digitalisation principles for creating a better Internet and web for all
COFACE Families Europe adopted 14 Digitalisation principles for creating a better Internet and web for all.
COFACE Families Europe adopted 14 Digitalisation principles for creating a better Internet and web for all.
In October 2024, COFACE co-hosted a European expert meeting in Berlin on the role of local prevention systems for implementing the European Child Guarantee. Click here to see the key findings.
This position paper adopted end 2024 analyses how the quality of interaction between ECEC services and families can enhance educational outcomes and the overall experience for both children and parents.
As a result of the conference, we produced a series of short briefs summarising some of the emerging trends and challenges. This brief focuses on connected children.
As a result of the conference, we produced a series of short briefings summarising some of the emerging trends and challenges. This briefing focuses on Smart Work.
COFACE Families Europe, coordinated a peer review of Live Without Bullying, a platform created by KMOP Family & Childcare Centre.
These six principles offer a critical view of the world of toy catalogues, informing of potential risks and concerns among parents and families.
COFACE Families Europe has been actively campaigning for specific measures on work-life balance.
Girls outperform boys in school but they are under-represented where big decisions are taken. Women earn 16% less than men on average in the EU and when they get older, their pension is 39% lower than men’s. We all keep repeating this every year but the situation...