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14 Apr, 2018

COFACE Families Europe adopts Digitalisation principles for creating a better Internet and web for all

COFACE Families Europe adopted 13 Digitalisation principles for creating a better Internet and web for all with the aim of ensuring that digitalisation and new technological developments serve the general interest of all European citizens and families. While the concrete topics covered by COFACE Families Europe are very wide and diverse, including child online safety, artificial intelligence, big data, online business models, decentralised technologies or blockchain technology, the recommendations and policy proposals formulated always rely on core principles and values, which are applied to any new development in the field of digitalisation.

Principle 1 Digital services: Non-discrimination, inclusion and accessibility
Principle 2 Infrastructure: Access to the Internet
Principle 3 Competences and skills
Principle 4 (Digital) Parenting
Principle 5 Respecting human rights and children’s rights in the digital space
Principle 6 Transparency
Principle 7 Privacy and data protection
Principle 8 (Cyber)security
Principle 9 User control
Principle 10 Keeping the Internet open
Principle 11 Democratic participation
Principle 12 Health and well-being
Principle 13 Democratic Internet Governance

These principles taken together, paint a picture of an Internet and a web managed and maintained by reconciling and balancing the roles and responsibilities on the end user and private/public actors, creating a better Internet and web for all. They also aim to support bridge-building between social, consumer and digitalisation stakeholders.

Read COFACE Families Europe’s Digitalisation Principles

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