Launch of OECD study – Looking beyond COVID-19: Strengthening the role of Family Support Services
The COVID-19 pandemic has created new challenges for many families: in addition to health and economic issues, policy measures such as lockdowns, school closures and teleworking from home out considerable stress on families. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted immediate needs such as regarding financial resources or education supports for many vulnerable families who are likely to be most affected by the long-term economic, educational, health, and well-being consequences of the pandemic and Family services can play a key role in helping families cope with this situation. In that sense, the pandemic underscores previously existing challenges for family support services as identified in the new OECD study on Family Support Services across the OECD.
This 2-hour webinar launched a new OECD study on family supports, presenting the overall conclusions of the study, and inviting reactions from different world regions. Participants from across Europe and beyond are invited to tune in and reflect together on how to operationalise the findings to boost the effectiveness of two-generation family support services.
This report is useful for policy-makers, family professionals and researchers from OECD countries and beyond.
The working languages: English&Spanish.
15.00-15.10 Welcome by the moderator Monika Queisser, Head of Social Policy, OECD
15.10-15.30 Presentation of the OECD study findings
Olivier Thévenon, OECD
15.30-16.15 Reactions
Andrea Torres, Programme Director, Bernard Van Leer Foundation
Petra Mackroth, Director, Ministry for social and family affairs, Germany
Dr Alina Turner, Co-President at HelpSeeker, and Fellow at the School of Public Policy, University of Calgary, Canada.
16.15-16.45 Q&A with participants
16.45-17.00 Closing and next steps
COFACE President, Annemie Drieskens