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Study session on Deinstitutionalisation practices

Picture with the logos of all members of the European Expert Group on the transitino from institutional to community-based care

Looking at deinstitutionalisation practices in EU national contexts: Spotlight on Czechia, Malta and Spain

12 October 2023, 14.00 to 16.00 CET

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This public study session organised by the European Expert Group on the transition from institutional to community-based care will take place in the afternoon of 12 October 2023.

It aims to bring together professionals, persons concerned by deinstitutionalisation, their families and representative organisations to discuss the shift toward meaningful inclusion in the community. 

A diverse group of people in the European Union are still institutionalised, and de-institutionalisation processes are at different stages.

The study session is an opportunity to help improve understanding of the deinstitutionalisation (DI) process in the EU where participants will discuss the initiatives in place in their country to advance the DI process for several concerned communities.

We have invited expert speakers from both civil society and governments from Czechia, Malta and Spain to present and discuss with the audience the different deinstitutionalisation processes in their countries. 

More specifically, the study session will focus on large-scale mental health reforms in Czechia, deinstitutionalisation of people with disabilities in Malta, and a pilot project on deinstitutionalisation of people who are homeless in Spain.

See the full programme here

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