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20 Sep, 2022

Impossible bills: A workshop to tackle the rising cost of electricity 

Cash and Electric Bill

As inflation jumped to a new all-time high across Europe, Spain is currently experiencing a rise in the gas bill that once more, affects the family economy of households.  Our Spanish member, Isadora Duncan is hosting an informational workshop on September 23rd from 10.00 am to 12.00 CET to discuss key issues such as the free market and the regulated gas market, available rates, and resolution of doubts about our current bill, as well as resources and tools to define what is the most appropriate type of contract for households. 

The workshop will be held in person at the Mariano Andrés Social Center (Ventas Este, c/ Tambarón s/n), León. Places for this activity are limited and registrations can be made through here, via  email or phone +34987 261 449 (calls and whatsapp). 

This activity is funded by the Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030, from the allocation of 0.7% of personal income tax for other purposes of social interest, with the collaboration of the City Council of León and the Multidisciplinary Team for Mediation and Social Accompaniment (EMMAS).  



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