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13 Apr, 2023

Key findings: Expert meeting on inclusive education

Images of children reading and in wheelchairs

COFACE-Disability and AIAS Monza held a 1-day European expert meeting on inclusive education in Monza (Italy) on 28th March 2023.

Taking the Italian system as a starting point for discussion with European peers, we brought together organisations of families of persons with disabilities and service providers, education professionals, persons with disabilities and their families and policy-makers from several countries to examine key actions to implement inclusive education in line with the UNCRPD and the General Comment n4.

We aimed to apply the COFACE whole-family lens to the topic of inclusive education as a way to build inclusive societies for persons with disabilities and their families:

  • Education for building independent living and meaningful inclusion in society;
  • Inclusive education from a life course perspective, namely inclusive education beyond compulsory education;
  • Looking at the continuum of services between formal and non-formal education with an added focus on culture and sports.

This meeting supported innovation and knowledge transfer between civil society organisations, created new synergies between COFACE and COFACE Disability members and key Italian and European stakeholders, and contributed to the S.H.I.F.T. towards more inclusive education systems in Europe.

See full meeting report here

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