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19 May, 2023

Paths2Include: A new 3-year European research project kicks off in Oslo  

On the 18th and 19th of April 2023, researchers from seven countries (ES, GE, IT, LU, NO, PL, RO) and members of the COFACE team met in Oslo for the kick off meeting of the project Paths2Include, a new Horizon Europe research project coordinated by Nova, the social science research institute of the Oslo Metropolitan University. The kick-off meeting was also the occasion to meet with some members of the International Advisory Group and members of the Norwegian National Stakeholders Group that will provide input and feedback at different stages of the process and support the dissemination of key results.  

Paths2Include aims to find new solutions to overcome barriers to the inclusion of persons in vulnerable situations in the labour market. It will provide new gender-sensitive and comparative data on effective employment policies to foster inclusive labour markets. The project will tackle the dimension of discrimination based on gender, racial or ethnic origin, civil and family status, care responsibilities, disability and health, age and sexual orientation, in three labour market processes – recruitment, career trajectories and work exit. The project will therefore refine the concept of vulnerability taking an intersectional approach and will predict risk factors in the future of work.  

As an impact and dissemination partner, COFACE Families Europe will develop and disseminate policy recommendations in close collaboration with the consortium members and other stakeholders.

Further information here.

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