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14 Dec, 2022

Register for a free online bullying prevention course and create an inclusive school climate!   

Are you a teacher, school manager, or education practitioner working with children and youth?  We would like to invite you to take the first e-learning course School Bullying Management – Effective Skills for Educators, under the European Family Lab – L.I.N.K. Programme, jointly launched by COFACE Families Europe and the KMOP Education Hub this year. Register here and get the skills you need to make a real impact in your school. 

Positive and inclusive classroom dynamics are every educator’s dream and what every student deserves. Through this e-learning course, discover useful insights into the causes, expression, and effects of bullying, as well as clear guidelines on how to prevent and tackle bullying in school communities. This is an introductory course and requires no prior knowledge of bullying. It is useful for all professionals who need basic but also specialised knowledge on school bullying prevention and management to help make a difference in their community.  

You can find more information about the L.I.N.K. programme and the course on the COFACE Families Europe website:   

For further information, please contact Beybin Elvin Tunc, COFACE Education Programme Coordinator: 

Photo: ©timsa via

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