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Results for "Social inclusion"

Autism Europe and COFACE co-chair European expert group on deinstitutionalisation 

Autism Europe and COFACE co-chair European expert group on deinstitutionalisation 

Autism Europe, a network of organisations advancing the rights of autistic people and their families became co-chair of the European Expert Group on the Transition from Institutional to Community-based support (EEG), with COFACE Families Europe. They took over from the European Disability Forum. The EEG is a coalition advocating to replace institutionalisation with family- and community-based support. It represents children and their families, people with disabilities and their families, homeless people, people experiencing mental health problems, service providers, public authorities, UN organisations.

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Graphic with text calling for action on age, disability, exclusion issues with a hashtag "#jesonnealalarme" and a megaphone icon, urging to sign a petition. background is red.
Rallying for dignity: Unapei launches national petition for improved healthcare in France

Rallying for dignity: Unapei launches national petition for improved healthcare in France

For months, COFACE Disability Platform, Unapei, and other solidarity and healthcare associations have voiced concerns about the conditions of non-profit establishments and services implementing French local government policies. Alongside Uniopss (National Interfederal Union of Non-Profit Health and Social Organizations), Unapei is launching a petition, "For Dignified Support: Let's Sound the Alarm Together." It urges everyone to take action, including pushing for these topics to be discussed in the social life councils of establishments.

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Joint statement: Time for an ambitious European Long-Term Care Platform

Joint statement: Time for an ambitious European Long-Term Care Platform

In view of the High-Level event of the Belgian presidency of the EU on the European Pillar of Social Rights taking place in La Hulpe on 15 and 16th April 2024, as well as the upcoming European elections, 16 European organisations call on EU policy makers to enhance the implementation of Pillar principle 18 on the right to long-term care under the next 2024-2029 legislature, starting with the creation of a European Long-Term Care Platform.

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State Of The European Union for families

State Of The European Union for families

On 15th May from 17.30-19.30 in the Schuman area of Brussels, COFACE Families Europe is inviting friends to assess the results of the last 5-year mandate of the von der Leyen Commission and highlight some key messages ahead of the European elections. On this occasion we will also celebrate the 30th anniversary of the UN International Year of Families.

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Family members Playing Video Games on sofa
OPINION – Making video games fun for families: the crucial role of family settings awareness

OPINION – Making video games fun for families: the crucial role of family settings awareness

53% of Europe’s population between the ages of 6 and 64 plays video games. And, whilst the average age of a player is 32, many players are children. Europe’s video game companies are dedicated to creating games for everyone to enjoy and, also, importantly, to provide safe, responsible environments for those games to be enjoyed in.

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COFACE Member FLW’s housing loans: Support for retired parents 

COFACE Member FLW’s housing loans: Support for retired parents 

COFACE member, Fonds du Logement Wallonie (FLW) provides housing loans to large families for the creation of special accommodation for one or more parents aged 60 or over. Since 2022, this option has been available to all households (with or without children) meeting certain income conditions: total taxable income for the penultimate year, i.e. 2022 for an application submitted in 2024, may not exceed EUR 76,000, plus EUR 5,000 per dependent child. 

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DigiGen Book: Understanding the everyday digital lives of children and young people

DigiGen Book: Understanding the everyday digital lives of children and young people

After years of meticulous research and analysis, the culmination of the DigiGen project has resulted in the release of the first DigiGen book. This publication represents a wealth of knowledge distilled from the insights gathered throughout the project's duration. DigiGen particularly responded to the need for a focus on the everyday lives of children and young people from their perspec­tive and not solely from the perspective of adults around them. 

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The European Commission’s guide on good electoral practices for persons with disabilities

The European Commission’s guide on good electoral practices for persons with disabilities

Ahead of the upcoming 2024 European elections, the European Commission published a guide  on good electoral practices for persons with disabilities which was published in December 2023. The guide, as announced in the Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030, presents an overview of good electoral practices from different Member States aiming to further improve participation of citizens with disabilities in the electoral process. 

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COFACE Member FIAPAS champions inclusive changes to Spanish constitution

COFACE Member FIAPAS champions inclusive changes to Spanish constitution

COFACE member FIAPAS were among the organisations involved in advocating for amendments to the Spanish Constitution. Article 49 of the constitution will be amended to align with the rights of persons with disabilities. The amendments were agreed on by President Pedro Sánchez and opposition leader Alberto Núñez Feijóo.

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