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21 Jun, 2023

Shaping a Strong Social Europe fit for Families of Today – COFACE 2022 Annual Report

Welcome to the 2022 annual report of COFACE Families Europe. In this report, we highlight our activities, efforts, and achievements toward creating a better and more inclusive society for families across Europe. 

As we reflect on the past year, we cannot ignore the unprecedented circumstances that shaped our journey. Throughout this transformative year, our unwavering ambition has been to shape a robust social Europe that truly caters to the needs of families. We have worked closely with various stakeholders, policymakers, and researchers to mainstream the family dimension and to promote family-friendly policies and practices. We had a strong voice in the European Care Strategy and the Child Guarantee with a focus on family carers. With our assessment report on the transposition of the Work-Life Balance directive, we triggered discussions at national level and encouraged our members to advocate and strive for national regulations that go beyond the minimum standards of the EU directive and help ensure that families can balance work and caregiving responsibilities. 

The achievements of COFACE Families Europe in 2022 would not have been possible without the dedication of our remarkable team and the unwavering support of our COFACE members and the  COFACE team. Together, we took significant strides forward in advancing our Family Lab. Through a strategic partnership with the Center for Family Studies of Odisee University, we expanded our presence in the field of Education, solidifying our research branch and giving rise to “The European Observatory of Family Policy.” 

To everyone who contributed to the success of our organization in the past year, we extend our heartfelt gratitude. Let’s continue to build a future where families can flourish together! 

Read COFACE 2022 Annual Report here

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