COFACE is co-leading the Transnational Family Dynamics in Europe network’s policy group, which recently published a policy brief on the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum. It contributes to the ongoing debate on the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum (hereinafter ‘the Pact’), which was adopted in Spring 2024.
Paving the way for a disability-inclusive Child Guarantee
The European Child Guarantee, established through a Council Recommendation on the 14th of June 2021, is a key step in achieving the European Pillar of Social Rights target to reduce the number of children at risk of poverty and social exclusion. Two years after the historical adoption of this Recommendation and the promise of all EU Member States to act to lift children and their families out of poverty, COFACE Families Europe assessed the plans submitted by April 2023 from the perspective of children with disabilities and their families who experience specific barriers when accessing key services and have a more significant risk of poverty and social exclusion.
OPINION – Children with imprisoned parents: ‘forgotten victims’ of the criminal justice system
Have you ever been inside a prison? For many children in Europe the inside of a prison is a reality when they go visit their imprisoned parent, some children even live together with their parent inside the prison. Children with imprisoned parents are often ‘invisible’ or ‘forgotten victims’ of the criminal justice system.
Council adopts conclusions on the rights of the child
The Council has adopted conclusions on the EU strategy on the rights of the child, with a particular focus on the protection of children’s rights in crisis or emergency situations. Against the background of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, the Council notes the need to protect children facing armed conflicts and their consequences.
Children online: Safe and supported digital citizens
On this Safer Internet Day, COFACE Families Europe calls on all relevant stakeholders to ensure that children are supported in their development as digital citizens.