As we step into 2025, COFACE Families Europe’s President reflects on the organisation’s unwavering commitment to improving the lives of families across Europe.
COFACE online exchange on blended families of today
This exchange will be organised for COFACE members to take stock of challenges for blended families. Blended families, also known as stepfamilies or recomposed families, are increasingly common across Europe due to rising rates of divorce, remarriage, and cohabitation.
European Semester calls for renewed efforts on ECEC participation
As part of the European Semester, the Joint Employment Report 2025 emphasises that participation in ECEC under three is improving but at a very low pace, calling for renewed efforts in line with the European Child Guarantee, the European Care Strategy and the Council Recommendation on ECEC.
Dr. Antonia Torrens, General Director of KMOP, elected COFACE President
Dr. Antonia Torrens, General Director of KMOP, has been elected President of COFACE Families Europe for a four year mandate from 2024-2028.