In Sweden, new parental leave has been extended to grandparents and friends. New rules now allow parents to transfer up to 45 days of their paid leave to someone who isn’t the child’s legal guardian – such as a relative or a friend – as long as the person is insured for parental allowance.
“It’s never been this busy” – Balancing work and Care for older people in Finland
COFACE’s Finnish member, Väestöliitto (Family Federation of Finland) launched a new Work-life Balance project in September in which they carry out research and development work. At the heart of the project: flexibility, attitudes, leadership and resources. The project will run from 2024 to 2026.
A Better Work–Life Balance: Bridging the gender care gap
Care is a fundamental aspect of our lives, as everyone will either require or provide care at some point. Gender inequalities in informal care and its implications for carers and the labour market is of major concern in the EU. The COVID-19 pandemic has shed light on the significance of formal care services, unveiling the vulnerabilities of care systems. Failure to address the existing deficiencies in care provision and access to formal care services could result in a future care crisis and exacerbate gender inequalities.
Transnational Family Dynamics – online brainstorm on the state of play
COFACE Families Europe is part of a new COST network called Transnational Family Dynamics in Europe which aims to deepen the knowledge of the growing, rapidly changing phenomenon and dynamics of transnational families (TNF) by bringing together researchers and stakeholders from different disciplines and countries to address the need for transnational insights and to formulate policy and practice-oriented recommendations with an impact on international, national, sub-local and local practices.