COFACE’s Polish member, Fundacja Share The Care supported the creation of a comprehensive study assessing the maturity of Polish organisations in managing diversity and inclusion (D&I). Conducted between January and March 2024, the study assessed 77 companies and organisations, primarily large enterprises, representing a wide range of industries.
A step towards inclusivity: EU Commission proposes harmonised European Disability and Parking Card
On the 6th of September 2023, following years of advocacy, a pilot project with eight EU countries, and extensive consultations with stakeholders, the European Commission put forward the long-awaited proposal for a European Disability Card and a European Parking Card that will facilitate persons with disabilities to access the right to free movement.
Paths2Include: A new 3-year European research project kicks off in Oslo
Paths2Include aims to find new solutions to overcome barriers to the inclusion of persons in vulnerable situations in the labour market. It will provide new gender-sensitive and comparative data on effective employment policies to foster inclusive labour markets. The project will tackle the dimension of discrimination based on gender, racial or ethnic origin, civil and family status, care responsibilities, disability and health, age and sexual orientation, in three labour market processes – recruitment, career trajectories and work exit.
Promoting Dialogue for Inclusion: Fundação LIGA’s Podcast “Inclusivamente”
COFACE member organisation, Fundação LIGA, is making strides in promoting open dialogue about diversity and inclusion in society with their bi-monthly podcast “Inclusivamente”. The podcast features meaningful conversations with people with disabilities, businesses, and universities.
Some useful tips for parents for the back-to-school season
September is usually the month where we reorganize our duties, both professional and day-to-day, but it is also a month when children go to a new school grade with hopes and dreams for building a better future.
Ukraine: Commission presents guidance to help people fleeing war access jobs, training and adult learning
The guidance covers both people eligible for temporary protection under the Temporary Protection Directive as well as those eligible for adequate protection under national law. Since the beginning of Russia’s unprovoked war against Ukraine and its civilians, over 7 million people have fled Ukraine and reached the EU. So far, only a relatively small number of those of working age have entered the EU labour market, though the number of people wanting to do so is expected to rise.
OPINION : Diversity in communication – the power of words and images to drive change
A text or image has the power to shape our understanding of the world. We hear ‘astronaut’ and think of a man in a white space suit; we read ‘flight attendant’ and envisage a tall, female person; we talk about a family and imagine a white, able-bodied, fit,...
OPINION: Disability and the Family
Persons with Disabilities face barriers and discrimination in their participation in society every day.
OPINION: Playing for change – important steps made by industry to boost toys and diversity
The first Europe-wide survey on Toys and Diversity (T&D survey) It was developed and translated by COFACE members into 13 languages.
OPINION: Forgotten
Forgotten, family carers lived through a major lack of recognition during this pandemic crisis.
OPINION: This crisis has highlighted the communication barriers of deaf people
Communication with deaf people who are ill or in poor health is also one of our priorities during this health emergency.
OPINION: Yes, we can win the deinstitutionalisation challenge
Making institutions a thing of the past and community-based services reality. This process is called deinstitutionalisation